
Sunday, December 6, 2009

This is it...

Well, tomorrow I leave for Cleveland. Pre-op stuff ... and then I am just going to stay there at a hotel on campus. My mom and my baby girl (actually she is 10) are coming with me.

Funny thing - I was going to go with my sister-in-law on Saturday to get a tattoo of a shamrock on my ankle. Thought it would bring me a little luck (power of 3) and provide a little Irish protection. Then, I started thinking that it might not be a good thing to get punctured with ink and tiny needles over and over again prior to giving blood, and going into surgery. So, I drew it myself! It's a little bigger than I anticipated, but I think it will do the trick. We will have to see if they wipe it all off prior to surgery (I do not know the rules as they apply to Sharpie ink). No biggie if they do, I suppose. I had fun doing it. Maybe I have found my new calling - Tattoo Artist - what do you think! ha ha.

I am hoping my next post will be Wednesday evening. See you then - friendly followers!!!!!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here's Something ....

Don't know if I have mentioned... I was told that I have a brain aneurysm. Had to stop any and all strenuous activity - so I did. I feel like a blob! Probably because in conjunction with me stopping any and all strenuous activity I have found solice in my comfort food! ALL of it! From potatoes and pasta to pie and chocolate! ALL of it! I do feel ashamed and I am now in the process of reeling it all in! I am due to have an endovascular embolization coiling procedure to treat the aneurysm. And, on top of that, I received a call from my Chiari Neurologist and they have informed me that upon my recovery from the "eecp" (as I am now calling it) I have to have the decompression surgery to alleviate the pressure in my brain that they now believe to be the cause of all of my irritating, frustrating and painful symptoms that I have been complaining about for months and months and months! (Sorry by the way :)) So, there you have it.....2 surgeries and HOPEFULLY an end to all of this craziness! I am extremely tense about this, but excited to reach a conclusion!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There's a Twist... A Russian Twist That Is...

I got to Positively Fit this morning - did 20 minutes on the treadmill to warm up - and started my session with Kim. I told her not to hold back. My symptoms will surface no matter what I do, so I have decided to go all out and make the rest of me healthier. I want the damn headaches to mean something....why be in pain if I haven't even broken a sweat? She listened....We worked the entire body - and we ended with the dreaded "Russian Twist". For anyone who knows what this is torture! I told her I didn't mind not being a member of the "Russian Twist Club". She didn't care and happily accepted my dues!!! Anyway - even though I joke...that twist is an exceptional exercise!

It is now 2:30 - (5 hours post work-out) and I am doing alright. I haven't really sat down except to drive, and I am taking my daughter to the park for a bike ride after school. Even if my head starts....I will power through. One good thing - I usually fall right to sleep when my head is pounding.

Wonder what I'm going to do tomorrow?


Monday, October 19, 2009

Pain Be Darned!

I am severely frustrated. What started out to be a light-hearted blog journey has turned in to me venting about my medical issues and pain. And, unfortunately, it must continue until I am CURED!!! My issues have yet to be diagnosed, but my neurologist in Cleveland seems to think I am on to something as it relates to a fluid leak (caused by the 6 failed epiderals and one "saddle block" that were administered during the birth of my daughter - TEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!). They have also discovered that I have a 3mm aneurism that has taken up residency in my brain. So, I am slated to have ANOTHER MRI to check for a fluid leak and an MRA to monitor the aneurism on Thursday, the 22nd.

In the meantime, I have decided to continue my training with Kim at Positively Fit and have a session scheduled for tomorrow morning. I am excited to regain the ground that I have lost over the last few weeks. I am determined to become fit and to feel good (both emotionally and physically). I will let you know how tomorrow goes! I know that I am going to have pain - but I am willing to accept that. I am tired of being tired and I am tired of feeling like a crappy piece of doggy doo!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Issue?

Results of the MRI on my lower back...

According to my pseudo doc's (PD's) interpretation of my MRI, I have a case of spinal stenosis - (a narrowing of the spinal cord canal). My PD's nurse (or receptionist - more likely), relayed information that I am to undergo therapy and take some pain killers and / or anti-inflammatory medication to control my pain. I asked her if he or she was aware that I have Chiari... When she asked me what Chiari was and then how to spell it...I instructed her to never mind and that I was going to have a neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic analyze my MRI's and offer recommendations.

Who the hell knows!? My appointment in Cleveland is on Tuesday, September 29th. We shall see what they have to say!


The Pseudo Doctor

So ... I visited my "PCP" (Primary Care Physician) at the beginning of last week in order to get him to order an MRI on my lower back...I sat in the waiting room for approximately 45 minutes, was herded into the examination room and waited for another 25 minutes...Listened to my VERY LOUD doctor talk to his patients in the 2 rooms adjacent to mine and ask the same questions as if he were reading from a script. And, although the answers being given were different, he did not deviate from this script! When he entered the room I was in, he began with the SAME first question. But really, it was not a was more of a statement with the end syllables raised in order to make it a pseudo question. "Drugs or Alcohol?" I asked him what he had...he wasn't amused - AND - he still did not deviate! So, after I allowed him to robotically move through his list of questions as I responded flatly with one word answers, I dove into my brain issues! I explained my migraines as they related to my back and he offered to prescribe drugs to alleviate my pain. I told him I was not interested in masking my symptoms, that I was more interested in finding the cause and elevating them! Again, he was not amused...He then offered to give me a "nerve conduction" test in order to determine the extent of nerve damage (if any at all). I explained to him that they were in NO way going to electrocute me again and that he should look through my chart because they had already done this barbaric electrical shock treatment to me 3 other times! It was apparent to both of us that I needed to get out of there. My goal for this visit was to get him to order an MRI for my lower back and I succeeded!

Stay tuned!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Food Memories

I have been fairly laxxed in my blogging duties. School started and I feel like I am SWAMPED! That happens to be a good thing for me. I no longer find myself mindlessly staring into the pantry or refrigerator. AND, I have lost some more pounds. That put's me below the 160 mark. I am currently 158.6 pounds. Well, at least I was until I went to Kristina's house and ravaged her olive tray! It was all her fault...she had black, green and GIANT blue cheese stuffed greenies. She also had these cheese and herb filled pastries that were irresistible and melted in my mouth. I had 2 of those, but countless olives, 1 Michelob Ultra and 2 NA Beck's. It is possible that I jumped back into the 160's, but we will never know! My elliptical will call on me in the a.m. and all food memories from this evening will be forgotten!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I am bad, bad girl!

Well, I slipped yesterday. After holding strong at Gino's Pizza with my entire field hockey team - inhaling those wonderfully aromatic smell particles while drinking my water - Emily and I went to Panera...and, I caved! I ordered a half of a roasted turkey and artichoke panini and I ate a little over half of the half! It did taste SO yummy - but, was it worth it? Hmmm...I have to say...YES! Not to mention I was actually full and totally satisfied. I also had one (just one) kettle chip and approximately 12 goldfish crackers! The crackers were totally unnecessary and I feel more guilty about those than I do the panini. But, I am not going to beat myself up about it. Kim can do that!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

SOBE 0 Cal Lifewater!

I finally found it (thanks to my mom)! After years and years of searching, I finally found a flavored water that I can drink and not be scared to death of what the ingredients are doing to me! It is the 0 Cal Sobe Lifewater. And it achieves the impossible – it’s a naturally sweetened, full-flavored drink, and it has zero calories per serving. Zilch. Zip. Because it’s created with a new ALL-NATURAL sweetener called PureVia™, made from the extract of the stevia plant. And it comes in three glorious flavors: Fuji Apple Pear, Yumberry Pomegranate, and Black and Blue Berry. Not to mention, they have a really cool bottle! I have tried and love the Yumberry and the Black and Blue Berry flavors, however, I haven't been able to find the Fuji Apple Pear. But, I will!

I am just tickled to have flavor in my beverage again! Check it out....yummy!


On a Lighter Note

Today is another work-out at with Kim. I find that I truly look forward to them. AND I will NOT forget my measurements this time....hopefully! TTYS


Okay....I have calmed down!

Sorry about my rant. But I was so frustrated! So, here is what I am going to do. I am making another appointment at the Cleveland Clinic (which I do not think will be until the end of November), AND - I am keeping my appointment with my family Dr. right in in Sylvania next week. I am still going to get a referral from him to (hopefully) the University of Michigan and go from there. Whichever appointment comes first....I am keeping!

I have my conclusion as to what I THINK my problem is. All of my issues (the headaches, the Chiari and everything that it entails) presented themselves after the birth of my daughter. And for those of you who do not know....that was an incredible ordeal. I had a FEW epidurals (NONE of which worked) leading to an emergency C-section (and a "saddle block"). All of which caused a gaping hole the size of a dime (maybe even a quarter) in my spinal cord area leaking what I consider to be, boat loads of spinal fluid! After 2 weeks of unstoppable (all too familiar now) pain and headaches, I had to return to the hospital for yet another epidural. This time of my own blood. It was to create a "patch" (or a scab, if you will) over the hole THEY created! Then I was on my merry way. is my philosophy....I ABSOLUTELY believe that the prolonged leakage of spinal fluid CAUSED my Chiari (proven by research). AND, I ABSOLUTELY believe that it is totally possible that the "hole" in my spinal cord area was never COMPLETELY sealed and is gradually growing with every squat, lunge and twist that my back is involved in! Now, if I can ONLY get the doctors to listen to me. I actually brought this scenario up to them in the past and it was quickly poo-pooed! OH, the protection! LISTEN...I am not looking to SUE anyone! I just want my body and brain FIXED! I do not think that is too much to ask!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

@*!#$*!@*! -bleepity, bleep, bleep, bleep!

What a FLIPPIN' waste of a day! 8 hours and $24 later...I will be sending my MRI's to my doc at the Cleveland Clinic after all - or I will be getting a neurologist to help me closer to home!

I got to Cleveland 30 minutes before my MRI apt. was scheduled - got right in, had them done in record time - went up to my docs clinic to check in and let them know I was there and was told that he was running HOURS behind! HOURS! So, I left! Insanity. They didn't seem to care that I came from Toledo. They didn't seem to care that I had my daughter with me. And, they especially didn't seem to care that my dogs' bladder's were going to explode if I waited there for HOURS! Whatever....

I already made an appointment for next Tuesday with my family doctor and will get a referral locally! Here's a funny side note...I had to spell "Chiari" to the person taking my appointment. This should be good! I just want this taken care of. Man oh Man!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Having Issues

Yes - I am having my same issues! My back is swollen and my head is pounding and this time, I have a little added stomach is upset. I had a great work-out today and didn't think I over did anything. Guess, my body thinks differently! How utterly ironic that tomorrow is my appointment at the Cleveland Clinic!

You know, this is so very frustrating! I am doing everything right. They had better figure out what the EXACT problem is tomorrow! This is ridiculous!

Forgot to mention...I will be doing a full body work-out today! Can't wait to see how that goes!


Sunday, August 30, 2009


It has been 2 days since my last work-out and I am still sore. This is just wonderful! My arms, chest, and back are tight in all of the right places. Even my legs are still feeling a tinge. And, although I was confident in Kim as a trainer before...I grow more and more so each week. It's funny that I can get this excited over sore muscles. But, it has been so long and I can just feel my fat globules melting away. I have had more energy throughout the day and have been feeling more and more confident about my will power and my ability to sustain it. Honestly...this is the longest I have committed to anything related to my health. I am starting to see the future...and...I am NOT sleeping!

My next work-out is tomorrow at 10:00. I will let you know how it goes...

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Friend

My friend, Joan - dropped a thoughtful note of encouragement off in my mailbox the other day and she enclosed this little box of fruit flavored gum! Can you believe it? She found it at a store of "hilarity's" while on vacation in Minnesota. How funny! Just wanted to share...


To Sweat or Not to Sweat...

Today was the second day of using the "active rest" work-out philosophy. It is a wonderful philosophy! I get a great cardio work-out along with the strength and core training! Today, my hat was drenched in sweat! In fact, I think I will photograph it so you can gaze upon it in absolute awe and amazement!

Here you go...gross, aye? And I am sure, that me wearing a sweatshirt today couldn't have had any bearing on the level of sweatage.

Also had my body fat calculated and my arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs, and calves measured. That was fun! And, I apologize that I do not have a photo of this process. If I had known it was being done...I would have brought my camera! NOT! I will however, post the numbers. I forgot to get them from Kim today. So, Monday (my next scheduled work-out) I will have them and I relive the agony of knowing the truth! Have a great weekend!


Up & At 'em!

I woke up a little before 4 a.m. And, although that needs to stop (which I think it will over time). I feel pretty good and am looking forward to my work-out today. I wonder what Kim has in store for me this morning?! We shall see....


Thursday, August 27, 2009

WOW! What a GREAT day! I dropped off my daughter for her second day of school and continued on to my work-out with Kim. The work-out consisted of lower body. Yup...the lower body. We used my own weight as my resistance. And let me tell you...there's enough weight there to consider it a significant amount of resistance! I had to do sets of 15 (exercises such as prison squats, reverse lunges, side bends, etc....) and then 1 minute on the treadmill at my warm-up speed. Which is approximately 3.7 mph's. Although it wasn't my typical gung-ho did a nice job. I felt each exercise exactly where I should have felt it. NOTHING in the lower back region and I left with a very positive attitude!

Later in the day, I had field hockey practice with my group of middle schooler's! And...sssshhhhh.. don't tell Kim, but I did some things with them. I warmed up with them and then at the end of practice we did two 100 yard sprints down the field! I've still got it....even with this out-of-shape-right-now-body....I can represent!

Now, I feel so good, I think I will grill myself a nice salmon steak! yum yum! Will be getting up early tomorrow to do it ALL over again! Very excited!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Not like SLEEPING!

OK - get this....I show up for my work-out with Kim this morning and she informs me that she is drastically changing my work-out regime due to the new information obtained from Jack Grogan. Maryellen and Kim got together to discuss his findings and determined that the best course of action was to really slow down my sets. To the tune of 30 seconds on and 40 seconds off. heard (read) me correctly....40 seconds OFF! And, the total time of my session was NOT to exceed 20 minutes! I was on the treadmill when she informed me of this recent development and I told her that it was going to be like SLEEPING!

I have to admit, however, that although it was a slower pace from exercise to exercise, I got the full feeling during each one. Knowing that I was only going for 30 seconds, I was able to get more reps in. We even worked a little on abs, and guess what.....NO FEELINGS OF WEIRDNESS all day - no headaches - no nothing!

Oh, and, I have decided to add one more day a week to my schedule. Since I will be doing this shortened thingy and less sets, I figured...might as well get as much in as I possibly can.

Until later...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hair Analysis...Complete!

I met with Mr. Jack Grogan of Nutri-Health this afternoon. What a great guy. Nice, easy to talk to, and doesn't look at you and ask what the heck you have been doing to get to this point of destruction while shaking his head in despair! Nope, nope...he doesn't ask...he TELLS YOU! (very nicely and politely, of course)

It seems that all of my calculations were incorrect. I thought I was going to be the most toxic / un-level person he had ever seen. However, other than 2 areas, I am solid! I have a fast metabolism (which he says I should be able to get under control rather quickly), my copper level is high and my zinc level is low. Now, my copper being high isn't the problem...the zinc being low is. They play off of each other and mine are completely out of whack! Because my zinc is so low, it SEEMS like I have an excess of copper which is the culprit of my inability to sleep among other things. And, seeing that I do not have enough zinc, (zinc being an anti-inflammatory), you can imagine the massive amounts of swelling my body undergoes with any form of stress. Couple all of this with my Chiari and my scoliosis...I am a bomb!

Jack further explained that my liver is working properly and is distributing the proper amounts of insulin when it should be. However, the problem is that it is doing it WAY too often. He explained it like have a $30 phone bill every month and that is normal. But, imagine that same normal price being billed every day. That is the difference. I go from mountain peak to ocean deep 5, 6, 7 times a day, when it should be a steady wave of gentle rolling hills! Eeeeeek! My body doesn't know up from down or left from right; and it is in a constant state of STRESS! (also related to my sleeplessness!)

Then, obviously, my eating practices were called in to question and after admitting that I am the ultimate comfort food junky...he told me NOT to be. Simple, aye? The food that I put in my body is of utmost importance right now. Jack gave me a packet consisting of the best foods for my circumstances and told me that I need to to treat myself as though I am a diabetic and NOT MISS A MEAL OR A SNACK! Not skip breakfast or get too enthralled in whatever mischief I am up to through lunch. Because, although I am not physically putting food in my mouth, my body is eating. And, eventually the necessary things the body needs to function properly runs out and it starts eating away at muscle!

My turn-a-round should be quick (as long as I stay on track). Jack believes that a lot of my "episodic symptoms" I have been having after exercise and exertion should lessen (if not disappear) rapidly once I get my body in check and my levels, level! I am VERY excited with this bit of news. I am still going to go to the Cleveland Clinic for an MRI to check the status of my resident brain bulge, but...if it has not changed and I am symptom free....NO SURGERY!!!! WOOHOO!

Anyway, there was a lot more information discussed regarding my body's use of adrenaline and how it reacts to internal and even external stressors, but I won't bore you any further. I am sure I have reached rocket levels of boredom for any who love me enough to have even read this far! Instead, I will end by saying....everything on my food list is good stuff. And I suppose I could look at the future in one of two ways...I can either tell myself that I am not going to be eating any of my favorite foods or I can tell myself to get new favorite foods!

Kristi - Hopeful! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh....

I want to say something else...but my daughter reads this blog!
Head and back in mucho pain-o!



Had a great work-out this morning with Kim. We are focusing on upper body so as to not irritate my problem area but I am using a lot more weight! And she is definitely trying to kill me! I know it. She chuckled today...Actually chuckled when she thought of one of her "fun" sets for me to do! One of which was the "Skull Crusher". My daughter was there, and the mere mention of this exercise turned her eyes into saucers! She was seriously worried for me.

But, I do have to say, oooeee, it hurts sooooo good! I was done with my work-out at 9:40 am and my arms still feel like gelatin at 11:30.

Now, I am a little worried about one exercise I did. It was simple enough, but I think the work crept into my lower back even though it was not supposed to. I think that happened because, my back was already swollen from doing the not-so-simple task of cleaning my entire house yesterday (4 hours of continuous scrubbing, wiping, sweeping, shining, and lugging). All of which caused an episode.

I cannot wait until September 1st!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This, I vow...


Jumped on the scale and my heart was pumpin'
Muscle is a-buildin' -- fat is a-dumpin'
A girl's wasteline
shrinkin' and takin' a dive....

I KNOW, I AM AN ABOSOLUTE GOOFBALL! However, I feel GREAT this morning. Well, it is morning and, okay, I don't feel GREAT-I feel alright. I now weigh 168.6 lbs. That's know it...get your groove on! I broke the 170 bench-mark. I know it's only 2.8 lbs in two weeks and that isn't exactly plummeting, but I am under 170 and considering I wasn't as dedicated to my diet as I really want to be, 2.8 lbs is a gift. And, although it's not supposed to be all about the numbers...let's face kind of is!

I am promising myself right now...I will do better over the next two weeks. I will resist when the honey mustard pretzel bits are beckoning me to have just a couple and that huge part of my brain whispers, "it's only a couple, what can it hurt?". I will say "NO!" to the Skinny Cow, because let's face it...cows are NOT skinny! I will fight my impulses to have a piece of toast with my egg over-easy. I will tell myself, that just because the only way I have ever eaten an egg over-easy is by smooshing it up and making a sandwich with my toast is NOT a good enough reason to abandon my future health. This, I vow...


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am NOT a wimp!

No, I am not a wimp. Although, right now...I sure feel like it. I do NOT like the idea that Kim is "taking it easy" on me! For any person who knows me, they know that the rest of this month is going to aggrevate me beyond belief! Unless, of course, today's upper-body work-out proves to be successful in not crippling me with blinding pain and 200 lb legs. I guess, I will have to accept the fact that it's for the better and that my body is telling me something. And this time, it's not just saying, "PUT DOWN THE LITTLE DEBBIE"! It's telling me to be careful and be patient.

It's like my body is telling me one thing and my mind and heart are telling me something else! Maybe someday I can get them to whisper to me in one voice with one message. That would be nice! But, for now, I suppose, I will listen to my body.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is it enough?

I just started thinking the other I creating a positive image for my daughter? I want to make sure that she understands the reasons behind this new passion with health and fitness. And that I am creating a positive body image. That she understands that I am doing this to increase my quality of life and not just to fit into a smaller size of jeans.

After yesterday, I think I am on the right track. We were sitting together discussing these facts and the probability of me following through with the surgery I have been putting off for years, and she said to me..."Mommy, what are you going to do when you actually know what it's like to feel good?" She said, "What I take for granted, you have probably never felt." She is so impressive and loving. I have tears in my eyes right now. And, she is absolutely right. When I feel good, others would probably feel like staying in bed. When I feel bad..."foeget about it" (in a thick New Youlk accent accompanied with 1/2 of a head nod).

I honestly think I have spent my entire life in a constant state of pain. She sees me working hard through it all and I just hope it's enough.

Have a GREAT day,

Friday, August 14, 2009

I have to do it!

I am having a problem. Yesterday, I suffered not only a massive headache, but at one time, when I stood up from a seated position, I got VERY light-headed, VERY dizzy, cold, and each of my legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each. I am a little afraid. I need to go back to the Cleveland Clinic. It's time!

I don't mean to be dark. But, I am finding it hard to ignore anymore. I will be carrying through with my workouts but will stop trying to go gangbusters and will slow down a little. The elliptical seems to treat me okay, so I will continue that as well. I am NOT going to stop. I just need to take care so I don't injure myself beyond repair! I will have the surgery AND THEN.....WATCH OUT! Because I will be ...wait for it... waaait for it... A SUPERSTAR!

Not to mention, my eating has improved ten-fold and I WILL NOT falter on that! In fact, I think we will have a nice salmon steak on the menu this evening. And, hmmm, broccoli and cauliflower.


** Alrighty...just got off of the phone with my doctor's office at the Cleveland Clinic. I am off to the home of The Tribe on September 1st. WooHoo! We shall see what they have to say! **

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wagon? What Wagon?

Did a face plant into a vat of semi-sweet Riesling this evening and the only evidence of the wagon I was traveling on are the indentations of the wheels ahead of me. I was weak! I was an idiot! I let the eveeeil Kristi take over and had two and 1/3 glasses of wine this evening! I can't imagine why??? It was tasty but the only thing I can say now is that I know absolute regret and have feelings of utter embarrassment and disappointment in myself. Which, leads me to think that I will not let it happen again.

I went out to dinner tonight with my great friend, Kristina at the Blue Water Grill. I ordered well. I had the seared Ahi Tuna Steak with mixed vegetables and a house salad with vinaigrette dressing. If I had stopped there...all would have been well. But, I HAD to get a glass of wine. And I did. It was good. I sipped it slowly and only had the one during dinner along with 2 glasses of water.

But then...We went back to my house and I uncorked a bottle of my own after verifying to myself that it was no big deal! Amazing how the mind can twist things around to accommodate what it wants at that particular moment...and boy oh boy...did I want that wine! While I was drinking it, I kept flashing on my work-out tomorrow morning and I sprang to a sort of attention. I did dump my third glass after taking only 3 sips, but the fact remains...I WAS WEAK!

I am SO disappointed! I HAVE to catch up with that wagon! And this time, when I do, I will be strapping my arse to the seat with pretty pink duct tape and industrial strength Velcro!


Too Nervous But Energetic

I am too nervous to step on the scale this morning. I don't want everything to be about the numbers. My clothes are fitting better and I am feeling better. So, weigh-in's are going to be bi-weekly.

My elliptical work-out was wonderful this morning. I went for 20 minutes, 10 of which I incorporated the suicide 30 second drill! I did not video my speedy feet, but picture a manic hamster on it's wheel all hopped up on loopy pills! And that was me.

Emily and I are going to see "Julie & Julia" today and this will be the first movie I have ever attended without devouring a bucket of popcorn! Think I am going to take something with me. Maybe a yogurt and some red peppers. WISH ME LUCK!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"OK...This is a fun one!" - Kim

HA! 6 simple words. When spoken in a totally different context, they can be taken as the truth. When spoken by Kim while gathering a gigantic balance ball and smiling that jovial grin of hers...completely NOT the truth. Unless, of course, you aren't me or Sonia! We had one heck of work-out today!

And, "THAT" ball..."THAT" ball, at first site, has all of the looks of a fun game in the making. Until, it is used as a torture device for the butt...the hamstrings...the calves...the abs............ Let's put it this way...Sonia even broke a sweat today. If you know her, you know that's a feat! She is not a sweater. Unlike me. I have been well endowed with sweat glands and am drenched at the end of any type of physical activity!

Anyway, tomorrow is weigh-in day. I don't think I lost as much as last week. That would be expecting WAY too much. But, I will take whatever I get! Also, I will be doing the 10 minute suicide ellipticals tomorrow. Maybe twice....we shall see! Maybe I will video my speed demon feet and show you how fast I can go.


PS - I do have the headache crap! But I am not dwelling on it. Must be the ab stuff.

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Relaxing" Sunday...Yeah, RIGHT!

Yesterday, I used my pool as my exercise platform. But not before I realized I had life sucking vines entangled all through my wall of privacy in my back yard. I yanked and pulled about the equivalent of three full wheelbarrows of vines from my juniper trees and from around my pool heater and filter before I even began sweeping and cleaning the pool! Then...I noticed that my Canadian Cherry tree had sprouts of mini trees developing in front of it and it's leaves were looking a little thin. So, I had to chop those off as well. Now, that I was drenched in sweat and filthy -it was time to finish the pool. It was sparkling clean!

My parents came over and brought my little bebe home with them (she spent the night). We all enjoyed swimming and playing volleyball in the pool. Then, my brilliant mother prompted me to clean the algae out of my pond. That led us to pulling more vines from my back deck and weeds from EVERYWHERE else! Needless to say, I honestly think I got quite the workout during my "relaxing" Sunday.

Today, I am trying Kim's suggestion with the elliptical. For 10 minutes straight, I will be rotating between 30 seconds of full-out, crazy, take myself to the limit and then the next 30 seconds recover at an even pace. I will let you know how that goes. I think I am going to die. We shall see!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Success - on many levels!

Although, I am having a little trouble pulling my pants up and down! Drinking too much water!

6:15 - still no headache! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Not as sore - been trying to walk up and down the stairs as often as possible and curl my arms.
If anyone is watching - I must look like an absolute idiot! Oh well...

Having a yummy fillet and some green peppers! VERY excited.


So far - so good!

Well, it has been 2 hours since my upper body work-out this morning and I am still feeling good. As it relates to my head, that is!!! My triceps, biceps and whatever that muscle is that lies over the shoulder are very, very ouchy and bur-ur-ur-ur-ning! But in a completely wonderful way! Even my thighs, butt and abs are starting to get sore! I guess I held a tight body during my sets this time! Hopefully that will be why I do not swell up in my back and neck! Maybe my body is conforming correctly and will continue doing the drills properly. Here's to hoping!

The only issue I have with this soreness is that I planned on painting my toenails this afternoon and I honestly do not know if I can get my leg into the proper position without tears streaming down my cheeks! I will keep you updated on this very important detail as it relates to my day. I know you will want to know!


Friday, August 7, 2009

"There's a ringin' my ears!"

Unfortunately, I must report that this very late in the evening, very near to the early morning, I am still up with a headache. Every time I lay down and close my eyes it gets worse. So, I am sitting here, in my bed trying to watch "New In Town". The light hurts, but not as much as the weight of my eyelids.

When I got home after my workout, I felt wonderful. Took a shower, made a fine dinner of grilled chicken accompanied with a tomato and cucumber salad, and then shortly following, I started to feel the "comings-on" of my traditional ache in my lower back (I also have scoliosis - I forgot to mention before! - I know, I know...I have issues) and in my shoulders. After which, when rising from a seated position, the whoosh, whoosh effect of my heartbeat in my head. That is the sign that I had better STOP! And when I say STOP - I mean it! I put an ice pack on my back to alleviate some of the swelling and then my neck and head to numb away the pain. Nothing helps, really...not aspirin, not Advil, not Aleve, not Tylenol. I have tried them all. The only thing that has proven semi-effective is stopping all activity for an allotted period of time. It is hard to do when you have a 9 year old, but, fortunately (and unfortunately) she too understands the signs and symptoms. She is so sweet about it! I hate to tell her that I cannot do something because "mommy is starting to get one of her headaches"! It's gets VERY frustrating and actually angers me beyond words!

I did fall asleep for a couple of hours, and my pain has subsided some. Which is promising for tomorrow. I don't think this one will linger. I may have caught it soon enough. We shall see. In the meantime, I will sit here in an upright position and periodically close my eyes and seriously consider - AGAIN - having the surgery to correct my Chiari. If, in fact, that is the cause of all this turmoil!

I went one whole week without this happening. I think the cause is the dead lifts and the ab workouts. My abs must be SO weak that I compensate by using my back and shoulders. This then causes the swelling that prevents enough flow of spinal fluid and my brain retaliates with a vengeance. I try to apologize, but it just mocks me with another throb and flashes of light!

Wish me luck for tomorrow. I bet Kim is going to make me take it easy! Probably a good thing. This is going to be a long process, I think. Not something I am happy about. But, I will accept it. I have no other options.


Workin' Out With Kim

This is Kim. She looks sweet, right? Well, she is...but man - oh - man can she kick my butt! Literally - We worked on legs and abs today (because tomorrow morning will be upper body). And, as my sister-in-law (Sonia) says..."beware when Kim says...'oh, this is a fun one!'" Yeah, it's fun if you enjoy slow painful torture! The agony that the last 15 seconds can bring! You never realize how long 45 seconds actually is until it is the guideline that has been set for one session of torturous "Sumos"! But, it hurts SO good and I know it is all worth the pain! Otherwise, what is the point.

Emily (my daughter) was with me today and she was my personal photographer. She took some great shots - Next time - we will get Sonia and Kim in action as well!


Challenges, Challenges, EVERYWHERE!

Well....took a trip to Frankenmuth yesterday with my daughter. The whole thing was fraught with trials and tribulations. First - in the past, any road trip taken began with a jaunt to the corner carryout to load up on "travel food". You know, Pringles, Chex Mix, Slim Jims... and then a run through the closest McDonald's to the interstate so I could get a large diet Coke. All of that was off of the table and I packed a small cooler filled with raspberries, blueberries, tomato slices, cucumbers, and water bottles. One hurdle - taken!

Second - again, in the past, any trip to Frankenmuth included a family style chicken dinner at the Bavarian Inn restaurant. Fit with mashed potatoes, buttered corn, buttered noodles, warm dinner rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and sweet potatoes. So, we walked through the Castle Shops beneath the restaurant and smelled each and every one of those items and had lunch where I could get something not fried, not buttered, and not full of bad carbs, fat and empty calories. I ended up with a chef salad with chicken and a little ham. Fulfilling? In a different way. I REALLY wanted that family style chicken dinner. But I will save that for a time when I can actually control myself. Two hurdles - taken!

Third - what is a trip to Frankenmuth without a brick or two of warm homemade Fudge Kitchen fudge? Not a trip at all, I must say! Although I cannot have the warm silky smooth chocolaty goodness, my daughter, we ventured in and she picked a slice of chocolate raspberry. It's all hers and it should (better) last her quite a while! Not even a taste for me. So far, so good! Three hurdles - taken!

What a GREAT trip! The joy of Christmas!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


This is my closet. And it has, oh, I don't know hundreds of pieces of clothing in it. Out of these hundreds of pieces of you know how many items I can actually wear? 16! And most of those items have elastic somewhere or are t-shirts / sweatshirts.

It is actually like an itty bitty department store. There is something for everyone (just not me). I have sizes ranging from 2 - 12. If each and every one of my friends came over and splattered some un-cleanable substance on themselves, I am sure I would have something they could wear!

I have refused to buy larger...hence my inability to wear anything. I have debated several thousand times on donating the things that do not fit...But then, my closet would look like a sad barren wasteland on the outskirts of town. Lint balls blowing in the forced air breeze and all. I have been told that keeping everything is just depressing and actually adds insult to injury. Well, I used to agree with that. But now, I am going to look at it as an opportunity. An opportunity to have a new wardrobe every couple of months! AND...after I pass by a size section (meaning, I get SMALLER), that size section will be donated! With pleasure and with determination! And, with the knowledge I now have, I will never be back to that size again. Because, if I continue to do everything right, this life-style change (not diet) will create some sort of consistency and health happiness!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Weigh In

Wednesday is going to be my weigh in day. For no specific reason other than it is in the middle of the week and my OCD tells me that is the way it should be.

So, upon my first official weigh in, I was in absolute SHOCK!
Seriously????? 171.6 lbs.! I got off and on 12 times just to make sure it was correct. Then, I put a 5 lb. bag of unopened sugar on it to verify it's accuracy! Sure enough....AMAZING! Just think... I was 178.4 lbs. on Saturday! That is a 6.8 lb. loss in 4 days. AND - I have been eating very well, I am not hungry and I have not been working out like a wild banshee women. I know that a lot of it is water loss - but I will take it! I guess Kim (Positively Fit) really does know what she is talking about!!!!!!! WooHoo!

Kristi - 171.6 lbs.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Daily Feats...Double Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper

I have decided that I need to overcome one hurdle - obstacle - obsession - unhealthy habit everyday! Nothing can be too little. When you have lived the way I have lived for the last few years, it is utterly important to break the cycle! I am undeniably an obsessive compulsive procrastinator with an addictive personality, and the traits have spidered their way into every aspect of my daily life. I also tend to lack ALL will-power. Each day for me is a struggle against what it is I think I love - what I think I need. It is hard to steer myself away from those things, but again...necessary.

Today, the little hand face puppet guy that you see in the photo above gave me a small run for my money! You think he looks sweet, right?...well, he is the devil! His ability to transform 1 pound of ground beef into a cheesy bowl of heaven contradicts his true self! So, my feat today, was not eating his delicious Double Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper. Heck with the not eating part...I didn't even sample it! I know, I know...the stuff shouldn't even be in the house. It is one of my daughter's favorites, we had one more box in the pantry and she has been eating just as well as me. So, excuses, excuses. But the point is....not a dollup of yummy yummyness passed my lips. I cannot say, however, that I did not enjoy the aroma!

So, there you have small step for this big blonde blogger - one giant leap for the healthy person living inside of her!


My big toe

I have no idea - but I either have a broken big toe, a jammed big toe - unfortunate thought, that I am old enough to start feeling the pangs of arthritis. Isn't it sad that I would hope for broken over that?

Monday, August 3, 2009


You see, I am one of those perpetually optomistic persons (at night) who seriously believes that something will drastically change my inate non-morning type personality during my few hours of sleep! That I will be able to jump right out of bed and begin my day the next morning and be happy doing it! WRONG! It has NEVER happened. My alarm goes off and I insist that it has to be broken or that I mistakingly set it. I tell myselft that there is no reason a sane person should be getting up at this hour and plan how many more minutes I can stay in my nice warm cooshy bed before I absolutely have to get up and do something. This morning it was 22. I got up at 6:22 instead of 6 took my tablespoon of olive oil, drank my chocolate whey protien milkshake and ate some berries (raspberries, blueberries and strawberries)! After which, I hopped on the elliptical for 25 minutes and now...all is well and I feel good - not great - but good!


Sunday, August 2, 2009


This morning (within 15 minutes of my feet hitting the floor) I swallowed a heaping tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Per the instruction of Maryellen, this oil helps my body regulate my blood sugar level and will help control cravings during the day. It's not the most pleasant thing...but, I can imagine worse! Following the oil, guzzling water is a must!

Then, I had a fillet mignon. Yes, a fillet mignon for my breakfast. Kroger was having a huge sale on their little individually packaged fillets wrapped in bacon a few days ago, so I bought four and decided to cook one on my new George Foreman Grill (I'll talk about this thing later) this morning. I did, however remove the bacon. Although I love the stuff, with the steak, it would have been too much!

I also had one egg over easy (because the yolk should be cooked, but not solid) and 1/2 cup of mixed berries. I have to say, I love that I was told to eat berries. They are seriously my favorite fruit and I have no problem eating them every day. I fear that I would die of boredom if I had to eat apples, bananas or grapes as often.

I feel pretty good today. Sleep was a little sketchy and I am a little tired right now. But I am going to pick myself up and get on the elliptical for a little while.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Well, here I am!

Well, here I am…In all of my glory! In bikini bottoms that should never again be dredged from the bottom of the “I’ll be able to wear this again someday” drawer!

I decided that by putting photos of me on a blog with the potential to be seen by hundreds of people, I would be more inclined to stay motivated and away from the Twinkies and dill pickle chips!

Two weeks ago my sister-in-law introduced me to KIM and MARYELLEN of Positively Fit in Maumee, OH! And I have to say, I am very grateful that she did!

But, before I go spouting off plans and promises for the future, there a few things you should know…

First, I am 37 years old and a mommy to a WONDERFUL 9 (almost 10 – sniff sniff) year old little girl. I have not always been large. In fact, I was an avid, die hard soccer player during my entire youth and only started gaining weight in my late 20’s.

Now, I KNOW what a healthy lifestyle should be and approximately 5 years ago, I completely ignored what I KNOW and lost 65 pounds in a VERY unhealthy manner. I would wake at 5 a.m. and get on the treadmill or the elliptical and go for an hour. Then, I would not eat, get ready, take my daughter to school, not eat, get my grande mocha from Starbucks and go to class (I went back to college). During my afternoon break of an hour and a half, I would Speed Racer it back home and jump on a machine again for 30 more minutes and grab a bite. After my last class, I would pick up my daughter, come home and do another hour and add some weight training, eat dinner (usually something delivered or from a box) and then jump back on a machine for a 15 minute “give it everything you have left” session. This was a normal day in my life. Needless to say I lost weight ====FAST!!!! All of my 65 pounds cruised off of my body in 6 short months! Then……..I stopped! I looked great, but felt terrible! Actually felt worse than I did fat!

After those maniacal 6 months, my weight did not creep back on…it stomped back in and brought family and friends! And ... I have been living large (not the fun way) for the last 4 ½ years.

Oh, also, a side note…Well, maybe it’s not a side note - it’s rather important…I was misdiagnosed with MS 4 years ago and since have been properly diagnosed with Chiari type I Malformation. Simply put…the tonsil part of my cerebellum extends down into the hole where my spinal cord should have sole occupancy! And this, in turn, causes a whole host of neurological and physical issues (numbness, tingling, and extreme migraine headaches to name a few). I now had a name to put with those splitting after exercise headaches that plagued me during my obsessive, idiotic, manic 6 months! Chiari is treatable (I guess) through a surgery to enlarge that hole, but I am not ready to jump off that bridge yet. Maybe you can follow me there too????

Anyway, 2 weeks ago, I decided to go with my sister-in-law to her training session just to see what I could see. Well, let me tell you…after having a proper work out with Kim, I felt GREAT! But that’s not all…I made an appointment with Maryellen to discuss nutrition (proper nutrition) upon which I discovered that her husband, Jack Grogan, B.Ed., C.N. is some guru in the nutrition world and could do a hair analysis profile for me and really assess what is wrong with me (eeeeeek) and get me heading down the right nutritional path.

During my first week, I did not behave very well. I fell right back into my poor patterns as soon as I got home that afternoon. I ate like a starving hyena and guzzled down the diet soda (also something I am NOT to have because of the neurological effects of the aspartame). After undergoing a day a half of a migraine, I decided to listen to them!!!!!!!!

I have ramped up my protein intake (right now a lot of lean red meat) and have been eating berries like they are going out of style. I eat plenty of nuts, some cheese and tons of certain vegetables like peppers, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber and tomatoes! (There are many more…..) Breakfast is now my most important meal of the day and I can’t get enough water!

I don’t have the results back from the analysis as of yet, but even through Kim’s and Maryellen’s knowledge, and them giving me the facts about the Glycemic Index, I am already feeling better and without being an idiot have lost 4 pounds. Also, due to their suggestion of taking Taurine (an amino acid supplement) before bed, I am even sleeping a little better (which is an AMAZING feat all on it's own - for I am a perpetual insomniac).

Kim researched Chiari and she has tailored my workouts accordingly and I could not be more impressed! And, although, I still have very strong muscle under my layers of fat, she won’t let me push to that “oh my - all sound has faded and I can hear my heart beat whooshing in my head” stage! In fact, the only headache I have gotten in the last week was due to my own stupidity….(go figure)…I used my elliptical for 25 minutes the morning of my workout and because I felt SO GOOD after my work out with Kim, I went home and did another 15. An hour later….whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

So, here I stand! On a journey to be healthy! Follow me through it.

Kristi – 178.4 lbs.