
Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Once Was Empty...

Making the change toward a healthier lifestyle seems like an insurmountable task, and the first few days are definitely difficult. This decision to live healthier in order to reverse the damage I have done to my body is only the first step (the easy step). A decision. A thought. An idea. The hard steps are: getting up, moving, being balanced. And the hardest step of all is being loyal.  Being loyal to myself.

I tend to let myself down. A lot.

That needs to stop and I need to figure out how to stop it.

This "thought" NEEDS to transform into a reality. If I can't make this happen, I fear for my future. So... I am going to give it my all! My past promises to myself have been empty. I need to fill them with integrity and self-respect.

Here's to something different...


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