I spend a large portion of every day wondering what my problem is. Wondering why I cannot care about myself enough to make simple changes that will ultimately effect my life for the good. I will have a good intention and then cave within hours of promising myself that THIS time will be different. That THIS time I will succeed. I never do. I am trying to figure out what my breaking point is. Is this it? Today? Have I reached it this time? Will I have the power to overcome myself?
I am the heaviest and unhealthiest I have ever been. I have yet to step on a scale, but trust me... I am at my heaviest. Not to mention, I wake up every morning in a fog with a feeling of a headache coming on (If I don't already have one). My mind is not at it sharpest and I feel dizzy and have to constantly readjust my vision by blinking and stretching my eyes. Let's put it this way... I feel like if I were to lay back down, I could sleep for many more hours. And this is how I feel EVERY morning and most of the day. It scares me a little. Honestly, it SHOULD scare me a lot.
I have spent years turning off the fear of my health. Even after I was diagnosed with my reality. My reality sucks. And I really don't like to think about it. But... if I don't start thinking about it, the reality I know now will be my best days. And that, would more than suck!
So... I am going to try a 7 day juice cleanse. Only juice and water for 7 days.
Writing this is risky. Two things could happen; I could fail. OR... I could succeed. The odds are overwhelmingly against me (within me), but I am going to try.
I believe in you! Let's do this!! Admittedly, I sucked at the whole juicing thing and felt it was nearly impossible to sustain, even for two days. Don't beat yourself up if you need to add in something to MUNCH on! I don't know, call me crazy, but I just need meat (you might not feel so strongly about this...smile...)
I sucked at the whole juicing thing too. Go figure.
Meat... aha! Good one! :)
I love that you believe in me. I just need to start believing in myself. Seems to be a pattern of failure inside. Hard to break it. Very hard.
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