
Monday, October 19, 2009

Pain Be Darned!

I am severely frustrated. What started out to be a light-hearted blog journey has turned in to me venting about my medical issues and pain. And, unfortunately, it must continue until I am CURED!!! My issues have yet to be diagnosed, but my neurologist in Cleveland seems to think I am on to something as it relates to a fluid leak (caused by the 6 failed epiderals and one "saddle block" that were administered during the birth of my daughter - TEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!). They have also discovered that I have a 3mm aneurism that has taken up residency in my brain. So, I am slated to have ANOTHER MRI to check for a fluid leak and an MRA to monitor the aneurism on Thursday, the 22nd.

In the meantime, I have decided to continue my training with Kim at Positively Fit and have a session scheduled for tomorrow morning. I am excited to regain the ground that I have lost over the last few weeks. I am determined to become fit and to feel good (both emotionally and physically). I will let you know how tomorrow goes! I know that I am going to have pain - but I am willing to accept that. I am tired of being tired and I am tired of feeling like a crappy piece of doggy doo!

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