You see, I am one of those perpetually optomistic persons (at night) who seriously believes that something will drastically change my inate non-morning type personality during my few hours of sleep! That I will be able to jump right out of bed and begin my day the next morning and be happy doing it! WRONG! It has NEVER happened. My alarm goes off and I insist that it has to be broken or that I mistakingly set it. I tell myselft that there is no reason a sane person should be getting up at this hour and plan how many more minutes I can stay in my nice warm cooshy bed before I absolutely have to get up and do something. This morning it was 22. I got up at 6:22 instead of 6 took my tablespoon of olive oil, drank my chocolate whey protien milkshake and ate some berries (raspberries, blueberries and strawberries)! After which, I hopped on the elliptical for 25 minutes and now...all is well and I feel good - not great - but good!
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